We love Maisy. The simplicity of Lucy Cousins stories are truly genius for toddlers and preschoolers alike. I love checking them out at the library whenever I need to introduce one of the girls to something new like visiting the doctor or a museum, helping to clean up, or going grocery shopping. We like Maisy so much I even knit Maisy dolls last Christmas!
In "Maisy Goes Camping" Maisy and her friends have to find a campsite, pitch a tent, and sleep in sleeping bags. There is a lot of team work, trying again, and compromise (when everyone doesn't fit in the tent!). Lots of things to discuss with little ones, right?
As they count each person entering the tent, there are some fantastic illustrations of their shadows and one of these days we will probably play shadow puppets after reading.
Today we decided to play "camp out". The girls picked out some friends to come along, we pitched the tent, and then we made a "fire". My eldest who is always hungry said that we needed snacks at the camp out, and they took turns playing their instruments and singing songs just like Maisy and her friends.
The best thing about setting up a play area like this is that now that I am here typing, they are still there playing. Initially I had envisioned a mini campsite in the grass with a teeny tent and wash cloth sleeping bags for the dollhouse family, but this works too :)
I really like their choice of friends to take along camping! They have lots of good company to hear their music :-)